Phone: 616-399-6745 / Fax: 616-399-8663
1825 Ottawa Beach Road
Holland, MI 49424

Your Source for Complete Marine Service in West Michigan*

We offer a complete range of repair services, from engines to fiberglass. Small trailer boats up through large motor yachts can be serviced in our Holland, Michigan facilities.
We have facilities available for indoor boat storage as well as outdoor storage. Your vessel is safe & sound on our property or in our storage buildings.
From basic boat renewal to antique boat or wooden boat restoration, Anchorage Marine Service has the expertise & facilities to get the job done.
Marine engine maintenance & repair
Outboard Service and Repair
Full Winterization Capabilities
100 Metric Ton Travel Lift

In winter, we offer indoor heated storage or outside storage. Summer storage is also available.
Exceptional craftsmanship & experienced restorers allow us to bring your vessel back to the condition you expect.
Finest marine craftsmen on staff
Varnish and Paint Shop
Mahogany and Teak Restoration
Can fulfill your repower needs
We are an authorized MerCruiser dealer
General Manager, Jim Cooper